


The Broken Fountain
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In the center of Foxcroft, a large fountain repeatedly fills with water every time the snow melts or it rains. The fountain doesn't actually spray anymore, but the water is kept clean in the stone pool. On clear nights , the water perfectly reflects the night sky. Considered a powerful spot to own, since it's Foxcroft's centerpiece.

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The Market
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The market held up rather well, thought it really wasn't much to begin with. It consisted of a massive gazebo-like structure where various stands were set up selling various things. There is a large basement like structure that was used for storage. While this territory doesn't offer much protection against the elements, the basement is a convenient place to hunt in for small clans. The stands could potentially be good shelters depending on the severity of the storm.

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The Amusement Park
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Prior to the storm, there was a growth in adolescent children enough for the town to be concerned that they would be up no no good without a recreational release. Because of that, the amusement park was built, only it wasn't as amusing to the youth as their electronics were. The modest park only boasted a junior coaster, a "big kid" coaster, a ferris wheel, a merry-go-round, and an ice cream parlor... to be fair, the ice cream parlor was a big hit for the kids. Now the ferris wheel is in shambles, the big coaster collapsed, and the merry-go-round no longer goes around, its even less interesting. But that just makes it a great place for cats. A lot of the carriages on the ferris wheel have been plucked off and thrown all about the territory. With their soft interior and dome-like structure, they make great beds. The junior coaster is mostly intact and can be a fun thing to climb around on.

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Town Square

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Town Square
Before the storm struck, this was the center of adventure for the house cats and stays. People of all varieties were busy moving to and fro from this land. Some where especially happy to lend a paw to a cat in need. Others were just hoping to be able to grab one and take them home with them. The square is actually more of a diamond shape, with each tip holding its own attraction. South holds Nuxa's Dinner and a Bed and Breakfast. Both places would cater to cats in their own way. The east of the land is a small amusement park that would open in the summer, spring, and during festivals. The west holds the town's sole strip mall and market. Both of which have become something like a shelter to the new stays that thad their homes destroyed. North of it is Elk Run Manor. There is a giant fountain in the center of the square where house cats who were let out at night used to meet others, primarily their lovers. The nostalgia of most older cats immortalized it as a romantic place, but now that the water is drained of it and the centerpiece has been pulled from its place and destroyed it isn't uncommon to see it being used as a sparring arena as well.
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